воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.


�It doesnapos;t happen very often. BUT�I�HAVE�NEWS�NEWS�I�SAY.�

Jonathan B.�Wright is playing Trent Preston in the Youth In Revolt movie HOLY CRAP�


I�love him for Trent. I�hope he knocks up Apurva in this movie, but I donapos;t think he will. Because thatapos;s in the next book.�

Three of my favorite actors are going to be in Youth In Revolt. I canapos;t believe it:

Michael Cera
Adhir Kalyan

Iapos;m so excited

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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It seems the longer I stay here three things are bound to keep happening. Iapos;m going to keep dreaming about leaving this god-forsaken place, I am going to continue having unfourtunate mis-adventures with unfourtnately unrequited crushes, and I am going to continue writing songs about both. So without further ado, an as of yet untitled number:

If you donapos;t come a-callinapos; honey I�wonapos;t wait around,
You donapos;t come a-callinapos; I wonapos;t wait around,
Yeah if you donapos;t come a-callinapos; I wonapos;t wait around,
Gonna grab that bus and ride right out of town.

I�saw a firey charger he was way up in the sky,
Saw a firey charger away up in the sky,
Yeah I saw a firey charger he was way up in the sky,
Pullinapos; on Appoloapos;s chairiot so sweetly by the by.

And baby when that chargerapos;s work is finished for the day,
Baby when that chargerapos;s work is finished for the day,
Yeah baby when that chargerapos;s work is finished for the day,
Gonna find myself a Greyhound and ride the old highway.

So if you donapos;t come a-callinapos; honey I�wonapos;t wait around,
You donapos;t come a-callinapos; I wonapos;t wait around,
Yeah if you donapos;t come a-callinapos; I wonapos;t wait around,
Gonna grab that bus and ride right out of town.

Gonna find myself a frieghter thats lookinapos; for some hands,
Find my self a frieghter thats lookinapos; for some hands,
Iapos;m gonna find myself a frieghter thats lookinapos; for some hands,
Gonna work my way across the sea to France.

Maybe there Iapos;ll settle down and try to start anew,
Maybe there Iapos;ll settle down and try to start anew,
Yeah maybe there Iapos;ll settle down and try to start a new,
But every wakinapos; thought you know, they will be all of you.

So if you donapos;t come a-callinapos; I donapos;t know what Iapos;ll do,
You donapos;t come a-callin I donapos;t know what Iapos;ll do,
If you donapos;t come a-callinapos; I donapos;t know what Iapos;ll do,
So I�hope you come a-callinapos;, but its largely up to you.

If you have a good title, Iapos;d like to hear it. Iapos;m looking at you Ben...
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Walked up the hill to Chickenhead SILapos;s apartment to drop off a bag of baby clothes for her boy. Couldnapos;t stay long because Oscar was due for a nap. Got back home, changed his diaper, fed him, and put him to bed. Then I jumped in the shower, slapped on a bathrobe, and headed downstairs to make myself something to eat. And, right on cue, the little bastard woke up and started to cry.

Well, fifteen minutes is NOT a nap, kiddo. I am NOT going to come in there to get your crabby ass. I am turning off the baby monitor, taking three more Advil, and making myself a sandwich.

Damn it. If thereapos;s anything to Karma, I must have been a really shitty person in my former life....

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Oy. What a lazy, productive, busy day.
I am washing dishes now and then I am going to make chicken soup. I am using a lot of chicken so that I have extra chicken to use for the chicken pot pies that I am going to make to stick in the freezer.

I am trying to come up with other meal ideas to make and freeze but am a little stuck.
So far the meals that I came up with that I know that freeze well are:

Lasagna Spinach Rolls
Tuna Cassarole
Stuffed Cabbage
Chicken Pot Pie
Chicken soup
Some type of dairy quiche
Pancakes (for a quick breakfast Thanks for the recipes)

I need a few more dairy ideas. I am debating whether or not to patchka with some sort of cheese latka. Hey that rhymes
I want to have meals prepared so that I can pull stuff out of the freezer in the morning and heat up when I get home from work. I am also going to start making meat stews and chicken meals in my crockpot. Which is why I need a lot of dairy meals in the freezer.

Any ideas for freezeable meals?
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So I posted on there with a rant about Shizuru. Because I adore her and find her absolutely breathtaking, but Iapos;ve had a bone to pick with the fandom for quite some time now, even if Iapos;m guilty of maybe half an offense myself. Iapos;m glad the people over there seem fairly decent, or Iapos;d be wary of a lynching. *groans* So Iapos;m going to go watch more Kaleido Star and wish RennFest could happen every weekend. *yaaawns*
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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...the world is falling around you.

I missed my appointment this morning...I never could 9 in the morning. My sisterapos;s birthday is tomorrow...even though my life feels boring it thankfully still feels like itapos;s moving in a haze and I have no power whatsoever to slow it down or make it any more clearer. Iapos;m thankful for this, truly.

Now I just got to figure out my path, then head on it...how is it so difficult to figure out what you want out of your life?

Kevin says me + commitment = disaster.

Part of me believes him...and that the reason I broke up with casey was because he was so devoted...fucked up yes?

I do think I need a cooking shift once a week. Haha I already make better eggs than allen...but overall he way better than me. No fear...i wish I had that.

my mother might be moving in with me...she came over last night.

so much iapos;ve found out recently, so much i didnapos;t need to know, so much that still wonapos;t make any difference.

But this bleeding heart still cares...amazingly...donapos;t get it, at all. Seriously sometimes itapos;s like me and my heart are in different worlds...and sometimes I donapos;t think it wants to come back.

and btw when a girl says sheapos;s fine, sometimes she means it.
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city jacinto police

O.K. So Pammy not getting me til 7ish for Foys Tomorrow eve.� SO that gives me a little more leeway with bussing to other errands.

Gonna try to hit library for net addiction AND hopefully in Transit copy of LION AMONG MEN reserve will be at huber. SO stoked that Third book of WICKED is out.

Also gonna try to hit Meijers for Kickboxer Brat. And now if time allows may hit Spirit for Mask for El Satana movie. Maybe. Depends on how many busses I feel like riding MAY save that for a day off next week.

Want to try to get a halloween lollipop to carry around foys crawl tomorrow. Need to look for clipboard for Hallows eve costume.

And hopefully I will recall to borrow labcoat for my costume from Pammy tomorrow. Hope she recalls where it is is. If not life will go on.

I am working my way through season 2 of SIMPSONS on dvd last night got to first TREEHOUSE OF HORROR how aprapo.

Current addictions:SIMPSONS, strawberry milk, udon noodles, Defying Gravity from Wicked, Itapos;s My life by Wendy Oapos;Williams, Wolverine Graphic novels from Library, and cutting out pictures from Halloween ads putting them in my journal.

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